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Let’s check the science

This is a series in which I’ll examine claims that appear to be scientific. The intention is to provide examples showing how you can approach such claims in a reasonably skeptical and scientific way, and come to a conclusion about their validity. The list will grow as new posts are added.

If you’d like to try checking claims yourself, have a look at my Non-Scientist’s Guide to Checking the Science Behind a Claim, here:

How can I check the science myself? 

More likely, you need to rely on scientific experts to tell you. In that case you should find out how to tell whether an expert can be trusted, here:

How can I decide which experts to trust on scientific issues?  

If you’re not convinced that the scientific process is the best way of analysing these problems, I suggest you have a look at this first:

Why should I trust science ahead of other knowledge? 

… then the specific investigations may make more sense:

Is clove oil the panacea for cleaning up household mould?
Is it possible to boost my immune system?
Should I be drinking water frequently to make sure I’m not dehydrated?
Is it true that olive oil turns toxic at high temperatures?
Amber teething necklaces – should babies wear them?
Is it true that human activity is driving serious global climate change?
Are there any adverse health effects from tattoos?