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Welcome to ScienceOrNot?

What’s the purpose of ScienceOrNot?

This website will help you separate real science from nonsense that’s masquerading as science.

How to get the most from ScienceOrNot?

Choose from these main sections, depending on what you’re looking for:

Hallmarks of science Science red flags Let's check the science ScienceOrNot? blog
Hallmarks of science are the features that keep science honest and make it such a powerful tool for enquiry. These are the indicators that tell you when real science is being done. Science red flags describe the tactics bogus scientists use to mislead us, or that we use ourselves to avoid facing reality. You’ll find out how to identify and guard against them. Let’s check the science shows you how to check the scientific credentials of a claim, and why you can trust the scientific process. There are examples showing how it’s done. ScienceOrNot? has a blog that’s updated fairly regularly. You can read the latest posts, check out the archives, post a comment, or subscribe via email, RSS, Facebook or Twitter.

Each of these sections (and more) can be reached from the menu at the top of the page.

Quick reference – separating science from nonsense

Science … Nonsense …
deals only with natural phenomena is often based on claims of supernatural phenomena
is based on evidence from real world tests has no supporting evidence
is consistent with the coherent body of scientific models contradicts well-established scientific models
is based on logical arguments; anything found
to be based on a false premise is abandoned
is based on false premises or illogical arguments or often both
is always falsifiable is often not falsifiable

Mesmerising John Bull cartoon from U.S. National Library of Medicine